One of the unique challenges in golf is that we often don't practice on the field of play. Unlike other sports where practice occurs in the same environment as the competition, golfers spend a significant amount of time on the driving range. Here, we repeatedly hit shots from perfect lies, using the same club multiple times, and aim at broad targets with little consequence. Moreover, a disproportionate amount of practice is often dedicated to hitting drivers, even though we only use this club a maximum of 14 out of 18 times per round. This approach does not adequately prepare us for the varied and unpredictable nature of actual play on the course.
To develop better practice habits and improve as a golfer, it is essential to shift the focus towards more practical and effective training methods. Start by dedicating more time to the short game—putting and chipping. Putting alone can account for at least 40% of your score, and 60% of shots occur within 100 yards of the hole. Therefore, enhancing your skills in these areas can significantly lower your scores. Aim to keep the ball in play off the tee, develop a solid short game, and work towards eliminating three-putts. Make your practice sessions purposeful by addressing weaknesses from your last round of golf, setting achievable goals to simulate pressure, and challenging yourself within realistic limits. Whenever possible, practice on the course itself to better mimic real playing conditions and improve your overall performance.